Well I have not even been doing this blog stuff for an entire month yet, but I am having a good time with it. So, what has me impressed? Only using google adsense for the last half of the month of September I made 33 dollars. This amazes me as I am also having fun writing everything. I really use this blog as a stress relief/vent before I head to bed at night.
I am a bit nervous about starting up the new cooking blog and keeping it all going, but i think it will be fun. My family will be eating the same as the blog. I am trying to get all my menus made up so I can make one a week and still have a few in back up.
On another fun note!! My sister in law and little niece will be here by lunch tomorrow. We are taking the kidlets to get their pictures made!!! Yeah so much fun. Then we are staying home and being crafty. Speaking of niece, both of her parents are active duty in the Army, which means training missions!! That means I might be watching her for the first week of November, because they will be on field ops. I am kind of nervous and excited about balancing two little ones, but I am sure I can do it. The kidlets are 4 months apart, so what I just finished doing with K is what A(niece abbrv. from now on) will be doing right be hind him.
Speaking of K!! The little clown is so funny. Today I let him feed his self little pieces of bread. He thought it was great. I expect him to be crawling any day now. He is so close to crawling right now it is scary. He did fine with all his shots from the other day. He is just like it never happened. Of course since we went to the pediatrician, I now have to acknowledge that he in fact only has a few inches left to go in his infant carrier. Then it is on to the big kid car seat. (sniff)
Not much else going on here! Good night blog world, and thanks for listening!!