Well yesterday turned out great. K was good most of the day. The hubby got home earlier than normal, and dinner made its self. Then once the leftovers were put away I still got to play my video game.. Yeah!!
So I am enjoying blogging so much I am trying to decide on a more informative topic. You know other than just the life events of this SAHM. I am sure you all find my days fascinating. (Not Really) I will probably keep this blog up to release some steam. Anyway!! Looking for some ideas for a new topic. I find that I am not really well versed in any one thing. However I am good at a lot of things. The ideas I currently have rolling around are:
1: A blog with a new recipe every day entitled whats for dinner with extra entries for snack and drinks
2: Something to do with container gardening in small spaces. Like apartments or rented homes.
Do either of those topics interest anyone?
September 17, 2009 at 2:26 PM
I just found your blog from MBC and am now follow your blog!
September 17, 2009 at 3:59 PM
Also found you on MBC :) I am always looking for new recipes. I get sick of making the same thing all the time!!