The Wheels Are Spinning!!
So busy day around these parts. Hubby is on duty so no break from the kiddos in sight until some time on Friday. We made it through are day safely, and with only minor potty train accidents. That screams victory at our house. Dinner was left overs because Daddy was on the ship, so no reason for me to cook myself a meal. The kids still really do not eat enough for me to justify cooking a meal with no other adults at the house.
Then my friends tells me I should market one of my skills. She may be right on with that thought. So my brain is spinning 90 miles an hour with questions.
- What would I call my business?
- Is that name already taken on the web?
- Would people really want to buy that from me?
- How would I start it off?
- Do I build a client list first, or start on the product?
- When is a realistic goal to launch my product?
- Will my husband think I am insane?
- Will this benefit my family in the long run?
- Why did I never think of this my self?
- Then just a general AHHHHHH??? As I sit here pondering all of the above.