Breaking Free

     On October 6th I had the pleasure to sit in on a tele-conference with Mama Fusion.  Below you will find my overview of the call,and my interpretation of Emily's plan.

     Do you feel lost in motherhood? Does it feel like society is pushing you to be June Cleaver?  Come see how one mom over came the pressure, and wants to help you break out.

     After the birth of her second daughter Emily felt lost.  She was unhappy, and generally felt that she was being a bad parent.  Her brain was telling her to do better at things like cooking gourmet meals, and having a pristine house.  Her heart's desire was buried under it all.

     She found she had been crushed under society's perfect picture of being a mother.  When she found the courage to step out, and be the mom she wanted to be life was better for the entire family. The relationship with her husband, and her kids improved.

     Before she found her focus she just stumbled through her everyday motions to try and fit society's picture.  Now she is spending more quality time with her kids and husband.  She had spent a large "quantity" of time with her family before, but the quality of that time was poor.  She spent it trying to decide what was the next step to fill the mold she thought she needed to fill.

     God made Emily to be a spunky free spirit.  What was God's design for you?  Sit back for a minute and think about all the things you like to do.  Does the world's perfect mold of parenting keep you from being the person inside that you miss and love?

     Is your inner self caked with the dirt of society's ideals?  Join Emily at Mama Fusion for Finding the Focus.  She will show you how to break free of the dirt and grime that society has thrown at you over the years.  Don't be what people have told you that you should or can be! Be the unique person that God designed you to be.

If you would like to hear a recording of the entire call.  Visit Mama Fusion's Monthly Call tab.

If you would like a chance to attend Finding the Focus for free the entry for is here.  The winner will be drawn on October 14th.

1 Response to "Breaking Free"

  1. laughwithusblog says:
    October 10, 2011 at 9:12 PM

    I find I have to regroup and refocus often! :)

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